Seamless Integration

Boundless Possibilities

Say goodbye to the frustration of

disconnected systems and hello to streamlined success.

Escape Technology Overwhelm With Event Pro Suite.

What is Event Pro Suite?

Event Pro Suite is the ultimate time-saver for the busy event professional, combining all essential functions into one streamlined system that significantly cuts costs and reduces setup time.

Automation in Event Pro Suite transforms event planning by streamlining tasks across these tools. This integration saves time, reduces errors, and accelerates growth by enabling planners to focus on strategic, high-impact activities rather than routine operations.

All of these tools are combined with dedicated account management and customization to fit your unique business needs and goals .

With us, technology isn't a barrier—it's your secret weapon.

Old Way

Different platform for every task

Multiple Logins

Multiple Paid Subscriptions

Repeating manual tasks daily

New Way

Same Platform for every task

Single Login

One Low Cost Subscription

Using automation and workflows

One Platform to run your Event Planning Business.

CRM Suite

The built in CRM system in Event Pro Suite streamlines sales operations by syncing contacts and automating communications. This cohesion enhances efficiency, ensuring a smooth workflow and consistent follow-ups, vital for successful event planning and client relationship management.

Task Suite

Event Pro Suite's task and project management tool centralizes event planning operations, enhancing team coordination and tracking. This streamlined approach ensures all members are aligned and deadlines are met, boosting productivity and ensuring a successful event.

Content Suite

Event Pro Suite's built-in bulk email tool enables event planners to effortlessly send newsletters and create blog posts, ensuring consistent communication with their contact list. This tool helps maintain engagement, build relationships, and keep attendees informed about upcoming events and updates.

Social Suite

Event Pro Suite's social media management tool allows event planners to efficiently update and manage their social profiles from one platform. This integration streamlines content scheduling and engagement, ensuring consistent presence and timely updates across all social channels.

Scheduling Suite

Event Pro Suite's calendar and scheduling tool helps event planners and their teams coordinate seamlessly. It facilitates easy scheduling of events, meetings, and deadlines, ensuring everyone is aligned,
eliminating the back-and-forth emails to find the perfect time.

Contract Suite

Event Pro Suite's proposals and contracts tool streamlines the creation and digital signing of contracts, facilitating quick, secure agreements. Automated follow-ups ensure timely responses, boosting efficiency and reducing the time from proposal to confirmation for event planners.

Experience the freedom to focus more on creating memorable events and less on managing multiple platforms.

"Using Event Pro Suite has been a game-changer for our team. The integrated system has dramatically streamlined our event planning process, saving us both time and money. It's truly all-encompassing, allowing us to focus more on delivering exceptional experiences rather than getting bogged down by logistics. Highly recommend for any event professional looking to elevate their operations!"

Jackie Baker. CEO. Spark Events


Will it sync with Google & Outlook?

Yes. Our system syncs with both Google and Outlook.

Do you offer a trial period?

Yes. We offer a 30 day no obligation trial period.

Can I import my existing contacts?

Yes. Our system allows you to import all your existing contacts via a .CSV file.

Privacy Policy

Event Pro Suite ©2024